Gooooood Morning!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Oh, hey there everybody! I didn't see you there; c'mon inside and ... take off your shoes, please. Welcome to Walk Without Rhythm - the home of random fucking bullshit, magniloquent rants, and kitties. Go ahead, pretend that you don't like kitties ... I'll wait. Actually, no I won't - wanna know why? I don't give a fuck if you don't like kitties! It's my goddamn blog! If you don't wanna read it go away (shooooo), and I promise I won't give two shits.

Now that that's that, whoa, thatthatthatthattythat ... it's time to lay down some ground rules on this mutha':
  • Numero Uno ~ Blog comments are enabled because you can say whatever the fuck you want, just don't expect it to make a difference.

  • B - This blog is RATED ARRRR ~ I don't even wanna hear it if some snot-nosed punk ass kid reads this. Just don't.

  • Penis ~ If you want me to read/follow your blog or add you on a messenger/social site send me a literate email request first or you will be denied. No exceptions.

  • Orange ~ Yes, I AM the Grammar Police. Yes, I do typo. Feel free to scour each post for every little error and blast me for it. Also feel free to massage some sweltering testicles with your tongue, you prick.
And that's with only two three cups of coffee in me today. I like my coffee like I like my women: strong, black, with a spoon in them. Can you imagine what I look like this early in the morning having consumed copious quantities of caffeine? Now you don't have to!

D'awww! Look at me! I'm fucking cute! Anyway ... there is more coffee to be acquired and cigarettes that won't smoke themselves. If cigarettes smoked themselves would they give themselves cancer? I'll post more less interesting shit later!

To Do (Or Else):
  • Change/Clean Cat-Shit box

  • Vacuum house

  • Swiffer© kitchen

  • Play WoW

  • More Kitty Piccers

Oh, fuck, I almost forgot! Here ya go, ladies:


Go now. And may the Schwartz be with you.


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